Influencer Marketing Trends of 2020

Influencer Marketing Trends of 2020

Influencer marketing is here to stay, and it has proven itself to be a highly effective marketing strategy. Here are some tips you can implement to stay ahead of the curve in these uncertain times.

Video Content

Videos are high on the list of viewers as it is a quick way for people to get the information they want anytime and anywhere. With the market at the fingertips, it makes sense for marketers to reach more people with videos. Good Bandwidth speed and engaging stories lead to many benefits. Videos and stories create an emotional response, then the buyer back-rationalizes by adding in facts like customer reviews, price and availability. Stories can capture the viewer’s attention and keep the viewer hooked. Videos are highly effective as they use visuals and audio together. People believe what they actually see and videos are also memorable. Recent stats show that social media posts with videos have nearly 50 per cent views and 1000 times more shares. Video content increases organic search traffic by 157 per cent. It also has the best return on investment (ROI).

How Brands Can Collaborate With Influencers

Video content is the future of marketing and by 2021 video will make up 82 per cent of Internet traffic. It is the mainstay of Influencers across all social media platforms, and here are some ways brands can collaborate with them to get their message out:

Positive Product reviews by an influencer affect the buying decision of hundreds to millions of potential customers. Therefore product demos are the key to sales. You can build a personal rapport with your audience through question & answer sessions where an influencer can field questions directly from their audience members about your brand, product or event.

One of the most popular tools is to upload an influencer interview with your company’s top management personnel.

Tips to take

Short informational videos that include how-tos on cleaning or repairing a product, using a product, topics related to the industry, FAQs and so on.

Brands can use Videos with influencers in ads, product mentions in influencer vlogs and live streams.

Authenticity Is Always Attractive

Today Influencers are striving to stay authentic by choosing to partner with brands that align with their message, rather than brands that pay well. Creative and quality content that’s helpful to their customers has become the focus of brands. Studies show a 72 per cent correlation between content that impacts a person’s well-being and its effectiveness. Most surveys indicate that 79 per cent of consumers expect a brand to prove it cares and understands them before they consider making a purchase. Instagram influencers like the Bohobalika and Itsrosidas are writing longer, more personal captions for their photos. They also use videos for connecting with their audience members. Most great content is motivational, reflective, descriptive or tells a story to engage readers and encourage them to come back for more of the same.

How Brands Can Use Influencers to Be More Authentic

Influencers help brands build relationships with customers through consistently posting helpful or entertaining content, engaging with them through comments and responding to their requests. They can share news about your brand in their posts as well as answer questions and solve product-related problems. It is sensible to choose influencers who can align with the brand’s values. Influencers are the best way for brands to be transparent and honest and gain and keep customers. The current trend is to build long-term relationships since content creators depend on long-term relationships with people to become and remain influencers. Hence, it makes sense that the same principle applies to partnerships with brands.

Benefits of Long-Term ties.

Advantages of choosing long-term relationships over one-offs include

Saving time, effort and expense of searching for new influencers and establishing if they’re a good match. Brands and influencers get time to understand each other. The consumers learn to identify the influencer with the brand for a meaningful relationship that can translate to repeat sales Influencers are motivated to create high-quality, consistent content since they invested in a future with the brand.

Rise of Nano-and Micro-Influencers

Influencer marketing works because of the strength of the influencer’s dedicated following and the influencer’s power to persuade their followers to take action. Therefore it’s not solely the number of followers that makes an effective influencer it’s more about the connection the influencer has with their audience. It is the secret why nano- and micro-influencers are highly effective in influencer marketing. Nano- and micro-influencers appear relatable, people rather than the celebrity-type status of macro-influencers.

How Brands Benefit from Nano- and Micro-Influencers

Some of the benefits that brands can reap from Nano- and micro-influencers include higher engagement, closer relationships, more trust, Relevance, less competition, and cost-effectiveness.

Employees as Influencers

Brands can tap into influencers in-house: their employees and leverage brand loyalty and knowledge that’s already there. The benefits include positive change for the brand. It is economical as the company can save money on sourcing talent. The relationship is organic and trustworthy. Employees are a part of marketing, design, strategy, content and other aspects of the brand, making it a smooth transition to promote the brand.

Visual Technology Attracts Attention

Latest advances in visual technology help to enhance customer experience and make marketing more efficient. Brands can lure customers through Infographics and Artificial and streamline customer service by giving personal shopping assistance online through chatbots. 

Drones and 360 videos help showcase your brand, highlight live events, take a tour, create a short film or go on an adventure with 360 videos.

To know more about the ways brands can integrate influencer marketing into their strategy, do log in to

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