6 actionable ways E-commerce stores drive sales

6 actionable ways E-commerce stores drive sales

In recent years, influencer marketing has become an integral part of the digital marketing factors of many e-commerce stores. By partnering with influencers, e-commerce businesses can leverage their reach and credibility to promote their products to a wider audience. Here are some ways e-commerce stores are using influencer marketing to drive sales and increase brand awareness.


How do E-commerce stores drive sales?


E-commerce#1 Sponsored posts on social media

E-commerce stores partner with influencers to create sponsored posts on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. These posts feature the influencer using or endorsing the product and include a call-to-action for their followers to visit the e-commerce store to purchase the product.


E-commerce#2 Product reviews and unboxings

E-commerce stores send their products to influencers, who then create content reviewing or unboxing the product. These reviews can be posted on the influencer’s social media accounts or on their blog or YouTube channel. By showcasing the product in a real-life context, these reviews can help build trust with potential customers and increase sales.


E-commerce#3 Affiliate marketing

E-commerce stores can partner with influencers on an affiliate marketing basis. In this model, the influencer promotes the e-commerce store’s products and receives a commission for each sale made through their unique affiliate link. This can be a win-win for both the e-commerce store and the influencer, as the influencer has an incentive to promote the product to their followers, and the e-commerce store only pays for actual sales.


E-commerce#4 Influencer takeovers

E-commerce stores can give influencers temporary control of their social media accounts to create content and engage with their followers. This can help the e-commerce store reach a new audience and increase engagement on their social media channels.


E-commerce#5 Collaborations

E-commerce stores can collaborate with influencers to create a limited-edition product or collection. This can generate excitement and buzz around the e-commerce store and help them stand out from its competitors.


E-commerce#6 Event sponsorship

E-commerce stores can sponsor events attended by influencers, such as conferences or meet-and-greets. By doing so, they can increase their brand exposure and potentially reach new customers through the influencer’s audience.


How E-commerce stores can find influencers?

Finding the best influencers to represent your brand doesn’t have to be a painful process. Instead of trawling through social media profiles individually, eCommerce brands have the unrivaled opportunity to build a network of influencers from their online customer base. Customer recommendations and referrals are well-established tools for marketing, demonstrating the effectiveness of word-of-mouth recommendations amongst friends and colleagues to bring in new customers. The organic nature of customers’ appreciation for your brand and products is at the heart of an authentic influencer marketing strategy. Working with content creators that already love your brand means influencer partnerships will be based on genuine recommendations and resonate even more with your target audience.


Tips to find influencers for E-commerce stores

In influencer marketing, finding an influencer with followers in your target audience is a common practice based on customer demographics.

For eCommerce brands looking to reach new, relevant audiences, recruiting influencers from their existing customer base is strategic.

Influencers who shop with your brand are likely to have an audience that matches your target customers.

Partnering with influencers from your customer base guarantees someone who understands your target audience in terms of demographics and psychographics.

Important questions to ask when selecting influential customers include their use and love of your product, the relevance of their audience to your customer base, alignment of their content with your values and goals, and affordability of partnership.

Finding influencers within your customer base ensures they use and love your product, align with your brand, and have unmatched authenticity as existing customers.



Influencer marketing has become an essential tool for stores looking to increase brand awareness and drive sales. By partnering with influencers, businesses can leverage their reach and credibility to promote their products to a wider audience. Whether through sponsored posts, product reviews, affiliate marketing, or collaborations, there are many ways e-commerce stores can use influencer marketing to grow their business.

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