Influencer – Generated Content Campaign: Key Elements

Influencer – Generated Content Campaign: Key Elements

One of the reasons behind the popularity of influencer-generated content campaigns is the
power to counter brand blindness in consumers. Engaging consumers with branded content has
become a hard nut to crack. Consumers believe that user-generated content is more influential
than branded content. It is because it comes across as more authentic, inspired, and genuine.
Therefore it becomes essential to leverage on the reach of influencers to access the sceptical
hard-to-reach consumers. All you need to do is build on the trust influencers have already
created and use targeted campaigns by giving them more creative control over your influencer
marketing content.
Setting Up Your Campaigns for Success
The audience you would love to win is not looking for salespeople. They are on the lookout to
build connections, follow and engage with like-minded people. They prefer to engage with those
they emulate (influencers) and look to them for recommendations and unbiased advice. The
audience you desire to stick to tight-knit communities that make it difficult for brands to get in
and join the conversation. The only option you have to get these followers to engage with your
brand is to posit the influencers at the helm of the content creation process. Such powerful
internet voices will resonate with the audience. To succeed in your campaign from the
beginning, consider the following points.

Alignment of your Brand with right influencers
It is essential to understand that leveraging an influencer’s reach can be useless if the influencer
does not align with your brand. Therefore selecting the right influencer who can align with your
brand is crucial and integral to a successful influencer marketing campaign.
You should check:
Data Profiles
Does your influencers’ audience align with your target market? For example, to promote
cosmetics it is not enough that your influencer loves makeup. To warrant brand alignment go
further and dig for other factors such as style, demographics, interests, and significant
characteristics of their data profiles.
Resonance with audiences
It helps if the influencer promoting your products uses them to launch a successful influencer
marketing campaign. Audiences can see through fake promotions, and if your influencer does
not love your products, it will come across in their content and messaging. Do your homework

and find influencers who already use your products and love them. Thus you can triple your
reach through your authentic content and get an influencer who will be happy to work with you.
Collaboration with influencer
Naturally, your influencer will take some creative control of the influencer-generated content.
Remember that it’s your job to provide guidance and direction regarding your products and
services and approve the content before it is published. Watch out for feedback and make some
edits when necessary. For a successful collaboration, choose an influencer who is willing to
engage with your brand, collaborate with you and be receptive to your guidance. Do check out
the prior performance to research and determine whether or not influencers would be good
collaborative fit.
Influencer Loyalty counts
Remember to avoid influencers who are a one-hit-wonder and jump from brand to brand. While
choosing influencers also look for those who will offer long-term benefits to your brand and grow
with you as your brand grows. It is advisable to consider the ones who could potentially fit in
with the brand in the future and work with them to develop an ongoing partnership. Research
data profiles and look for influencers who breed audiences of loyal followers.

Respect your influencers
It is not a good idea to micromanage the process of influencers. Let them live and breathe on
their own. Avoid the urge to take complete control over the content development process. If you
try to take all under your control influencers may feel you do not respect them nor their voice
and this will affect their content creation and also your professional relationship.
As a result, influencers will not feel respected. It will eventually show as it could affect the
performance of your influencer marketing campaigns.

Build Trust
It is human nature to be wary of new things and people, but, respect and trust go hand in hand.
Trusting your influencer is vital to an ROI-driven influencer marketing campaign. While selecting
influencers, do keep the tips in mind and go ahead.
Micromanaging hurts
You may be the cause behind your influencers feeling stuck and not be able to produce the type
of content that will resonate with their audience. So avoid micromanaging and start trusting your
influencers by letting them take the lead a little. Remember that their voice is valuable not only
to their audience but also to your brand.
Track the campaign reach
Always be alert and track the performance of the campaigns by reviewing parameters like the
most engagement, promotions, website pages and effects on your sales. It helps to track
everything so you can adjust as needed. For example, using Google UTM parameters to create

tracking links with Google UTM parameters and adding specific tags to differentiate your
campaigns will keep you on track.
It is not easy to search for influencers who fit your brand and culture. It can be a time-
consuming process to execute successfully but pay extra attention to the search so it will pay off
in the long term. To make your search easier, we at Creatorhub will be happy to
to speed up this process and find the right influencers you can trust from day one.

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